Friday, July 30, 2010

An Inconvenient Truth

The potential isolation of being here has hit us forcefully. A sad reason has forced Jody to need to return to the US immediately. We found out Wednesday night. But there were absolutely no seats available on any flights for Thursday, so the earliest solution was a Friday flight that would get her into the US by Saturday mid-day. Turns out, Friday wouldn't work either, but not because of any problem with the flights.
As we were walking toward the parking lot to wait for the ride to the airport, we heard several popping noises that were pretty clearly gunshots, maybe 6 or 8. And we passed one person on the phone saying, "They say they're going to set the vehicle on fire." We went out the gate and waited at the gazebo, and for the next several minutes, we heard several sporadic bursts of gunfire. Then a security team mobilized and ran out the compound. We saw several armored vehicles with gun mounts head north toward Massoud Circle, the obligatory point one must pass en route to the airport. A few minutes later the helicopters circled overhead on their way toward the airport road, which had been locked down by Afghan security forces. A few more gunshots, nearly two hours waiting, and then we finally learn that the road can't be secured, so there will be no movement to the airport today. The same applies to people who just landed and want to enter the city; they are stranded at the airport indefinitely.

The story has just now begun to hit the media:
The gist is, a traffic accident involving US cars, with reportedly at least four Afghans killed. Crowds gather around the accident scene, surround the vehicles, set two on fire, chant "Death to America,"etc. And so far, Jody still does not have a flight back to the US. Tomorrow, we try again.

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