Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bad Things, Updated

It's already in the news so it's now permissible to mention. Two American sailors stationed in southern Kabul were attacked by insurgents. According to an Afghan policeman quoted in the international press, they were driving a vehicle at night but turned the wrong way. That's not good in these parts. The insurgents learned of their whereabouts and a firefight ensued. One American was killed. The burned vehicle was found later, at quite a distance. The Taliban say they've got the other American.
I watch developments in the field, at provincial reconstruction teams and district support teams. Much of the work is carried out by contractors, partner NGOs and similar organizations, and while their presence is more subtle, they are much more vulnerable than official Americans stationed at combat outposts or PRTs. In the past week we've seen 9 wounded in 5 separate attacks - mostly IEDs, but also mortar and small arms fire.
Update: News now has publicly what we've known for a bit - the second sailor was taken prisoner but then killed by the Taliban. Word is that a spotter saw the two in their vehicle obviously lost; the spotter alerted an armed group which positioned for the eventual attack.

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