Friday, July 30, 2010

Famous Debates

There are certain debates whose final resolution may never be known. Free will versus predestination. Plato versus Descartes. Capitalism versus socialism. Less filling versus tastes great. Yankees versus everyone who isn't the Yankees, though anyone on the first side of the debate is a jerk, no room for disagreement whatsoever.
To this august list we add one more, but with the certainty that its outcome will be known next July: did we, or did we not, send too much toilet paper in the consumables shipment?
We currently have 127 rolls on hand, as it were, with approximately 51 weeks to go, so to speak.
I was a proponent of sending lots of toilet paper; Jody has come to believe this was unnecessary.
Time, and the frequency of Delhi belly, will tell. The rough estimate was 2.5 rolls per week. We will be out of the country some part of this year, or traveling in country, so in fact we have more than this; we are probably looking at a stockpile of 3 - 3.3/week. That may be excessive. All I know is, I would rather that I be wrong than her, because if we run out, things are going to get very ugly very quickly.
Speaking of stockpiles, next I will write about an ongoing argument on compound over the ethical dimensions of hoarding alcoholic beverages given that the shipments are unpredictable and unreliable.

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