Saturday, January 8, 2011

Texas in Afghanistan

 Today I was at the Ghazni PRT.  Ghazni is a province south of Logar (the one immediately south of Kabul); it's pretty "kinetic."  The PRT itself is led by the Poles - see a later post.  But the US component includes a National Guard agricultural team from Texas.  They proudly fly the Texas flag, as you see in the first photo.  Go into their office, and you see barbed wire handing from horse shoes nailed into the wall and cowboy hats hanging from some poor animal's horns.  Most of the group wasn't there - they were "in mourning," we were told, because Texas A&M had just had its ass kicked this morning (for us) by LSU.  The office also has a display of historic Texan flags, including the "Dimmitt" flag in the last photo.  You have to wonder what effect it might have on the PRT's interaction with local Afghans, at least on the insurgents, if the Texas team actually flew the Dimmitt flag when they rode around.

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