Friday, March 11, 2011

View from an MRAP

Yesterday was Kandahar again, this time for the city walk in sub-district nine.  To get anywhere, you have to go in the armored vehicles.  You'll notice the cracked windshield.  All the windows were cracked.  None of the damage was from IEDs or bullets or rollovers (though at one point the driver damn near did roll us over; she was trying to take a curve too fast in order to get out of narrow section and she came very close to the culvert, which would have tipped us upside down in no time flat).  Anyway, all the damaged windows, which of course are bullet- and explosives-proof, came from rocks.  Turns out the kids in sub-district nine have pretty good arms and an endless supply of rocks, and so as we passed, you hear clunk-clunk-clunk-chink!-clunk as the rocks rattle against the armor or occasionally ping a window.

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