Friday, March 4, 2011

Our First Time

So today was yet another day off when we had to work.  But it was the frustrating kind of work, because they kept sending emails rescheduling the events I was on the hook for.  At the end, every event wound up being canceled.  On the bright side, we bought our first Afghan rug, a very unusual one.  It's from Ghazni wool, very heavy, with a design of pomegranates, but what's more remarkable, it's actually dyed with pomegranate juice.  It's around 4 x 7 or so.  Anyway, we haven't even paid for it; I told the shopkeeper I didn't have any cash, and he said it wasn't a problem since we had shaken hands on the price, and that I could bring the money - $700 - next week.  He then wrapped up the rug and gave it to me.

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