Thursday, March 31, 2011

Challenge Coins

I don't fully understand the obsession with "challenge coins," and that part of it I do understand isn't worth the time it would take to explain.  Plus, a large part of their purpose is to get free drinks, and since all the US military in theater are under General Order Number One, which prohibits their drinking, they seem superfluous here.  But everybody and their uncle goes around handing out and collecting challenge coins.  I always say thanks, then give it to somebody who does collect them.  But I got one yesterday that's pretty funny.  It's the official coin of the Regional Headquarters - South, which means mostly Kandahar Province (actually, also Zabul and Uruzgan and Daikundi, but all you ever hear about is Kandahar).  Well, besides the usual scheme of a bunch of family crest-type logos, along the bottom of the coin, kind of where you'd expect to see something like "In God We Trust" or "Veni Vidi Vici" or something, is the acronym "YCMTSU."  This carefully chosen line reveals a profound truth about not just Kandahar but also Afghanistan.
YCMTSU stands for:  "You Can't Make This Shit Up."

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