Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Snow Again

At least five inches of snow in Kabul the past couple of days.  The whole compound was covered, and at least for a day, the air was relatively clear.  Alas, no more; the shust has come back in this evening and the mountains are hidden by the dust.  The weather has played havoc with travel, with nearly all flights east and north crossing the mountains or going through passes being canceled.  We had several people stranded in Kabul for a few days, and two trips I was supposed to take yesterday and today were canceled.  I have another one for Friday, but that may be trumped by a visitor and associated meetings.  I will go back to Kandahar for the city walk next week, up to Badghis a couple of days after that, and J-bad the following week, with one other trip likely in between.  I need to get to Panjshir again and out to Bamyan, but the snow is complicating things.  Oh well, those provinces are nicer in the spring anyway.

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