Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow Leopards

 Way up north of the Hindu Kush - I think in this case in the province of Badakshshan, which borders China on the northeast of Afghanistan - there are snow leopards in Afghanistan.  And somebody set up a camera with a trip wire to take photos of them.  Actually, in the set of photos I was sent, one of them was definitely not a snow leopard; it looked like a beaver or something.  But occasionally the trip wire got its target.  And so here are photos of actual snow leopards in the wild, from somewhere up in the northeast.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    reading your blog with interest as I follow snow leopard news in Afghanistan. The Snow Leopard Network is currently updating its data on snow leopard numbers in all range countries, including Afghanistan, a very tough job given the country conditions which you know first hand and the elusiveness of these cats!
    Anyway if you have any info to share I'd be happy to hear from you.
    Founder and Publisher
    "Saving Snow Leopards" Blog.
