Friday, August 27, 2010

On the top is the view of an intersection from the citadel walls.  Notice the tuk-tuks, the three-wheeled mini-taxis.  Most are painted in bright colors with various exuberant designs, often featuring a nominally English word and a heart with an arrow piercing it.  Traffic, as you might imagine, is extraordinarily orderly.  Women in burkas with absolutely no peripheral vision whatsoever, holding their child's hands, take tentative steps into the street hoping to cross even though they have little idea what car, motorcycle, tuk-tuk or donkey cart might be careening toward them.  The billboards are for political candidates for the elections in three weeks.  The second is a park, the last just the neighborhood next to the citadel.  There were many more women out on the street than I have seen in Kabul, though nearly all were wearing either blue burkas or the black chador like you see in news clips from Iran.

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