Today I flew down to Helmand, one of the "kinetic" provinces. We saw nothing dangerous or violent where we were, though lots of people were moving around on operations. Part of the visit was to the British-led PRT in Lashkar Gar. Several items of interest: amid the unit flags flapping over tents - the Royal Scots, Royal Marines, the "Black Rats," etc, was the skull and crossbones. That was probably the human resources office. We ate lunch at the British canteen (insert obligatory English food jokes here). It was fine, actually.
But then came dessert - "Yorkie," and hence two of the three photos. I don't often take photos of the food, especially when I'm sitting with people I'm supposed to impress as a serious, work-minded individual. But you find yourself in this situation, you make an exception. This is probably the most misogynistic candy bar since Mr. Goodbar had that disturbing Diane Keaton movie made about it. Yes, "Yorkie" is apparently not edible by girls, at least those carrying purses and prancing about hand on hip as depicted.
Epilogue: I brought it home, but we were outside in the 100+ degree desert for several hours, and now it's melted, though still contained within the manly Yorkie wrapper. If I can re-build it, much like the Six Million Dollar Man, I will mail it to one lucky family member.
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